#!/usr/bin/perl -w use constant TYPE_VALUE => 0; use constant TYPE_STRUCT => 1; use constant MAX_CHUNK => 65000; use constant PACK_KEY => 'V'; use strict; my @required_modules = ('IO::Socket','File::Basename','Cwd \'abs_path\''); our $is_windows = ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); if ($is_windows == 1) { @required_modules = (@required_modules,('Win32','Win32::Process','Win32::File','Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf)','CGI qw(:standard)')); } foreach (@required_modules) { if (lazyLoadModule($_) != 1) { handle_error("This script requires the $_ module."); exit; } } our $process_type = 0; if ($is_windows) { eval '$process_type = DETACHED_PROCESS'; warn $@ if $@; } our $request; our %config = load_config(); our $app_port = $config{'port'}; our $app_name = $config{'appname'}; our $app_path = script_directory() . "/" . $app_name; if ($config{'auto_port'} eq "1") { $app_port = pick_port($config{'port'}); if ($config{'port'} != $app_port) { $config{'port'} = $app_port; write_config(%config); } } cgi_handler(); exit; sub cgi_handler { my $type; my $length = 0; my $response; my $responded = 0; my $sock = create_socket($app_port); if (!test_connection($sock)) { my $launch = launch($app_port); if ($launch == 1) { $sock = create_socket($app_port); if (!$sock) { handle_error("Application launched, but unable to connect using port $app_port."); exit; } } else { my $filename = "/tmp/$app_name"; if(-e $filename) { unlink $filename; my $launch = launch($app_port); if ($launch == 1) { $sock = create_socket($app_port); if (!$sock) { handle_error("Mutex cleaned, application launched, but unable to connect using port $app_port."); exit; } } else { handle_error("Mutex cleaned, application could not launch."); exit; } } } } my $body = ""; if ($is_windows == 1) { $body .= getEnv('GATEWAY_INTERFACE'); $body .= getEnv('HTTPS'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_CONNECTION'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_HOST'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_REFERER'); $body .= getEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); $body .= getEnv('REMOTE_ADDR'); $body .= getEnv('REMOTE_HOST'); $body .= getEnv('REQUEST_METHOD'); $body .= getEnv('SCRIPT_NAME'); $body .= getEnv('SERVER_NAME'); $body .= getEnv('SERVER_PORT'); $body .= getEnv('SERVER_PROTOCOL'); $body .= getEnv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'); $body .= getEnv('SERVER_URL'); $body .= getEnv('CONTENT_LENGTH'); $body .= getEnv('DOCUMENT_ROOT'); $body .= getEnv('PATH_INFO'); $body .= getEnv('PATH_TRANSLATED'); $body .= getEnv('QUERY_STRING'); $body .= getEnv('REDIRECT_URL'); $body .= getEnv('REQUEST_URI'); } foreach my $key (sort keys(%ENV)) { $body .= create_value(TYPE_VALUE,$key); $body .= create_value(TYPE_VALUE,$ENV{$key}); } my $sin = ""; if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { read(STDIN, $sin, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } $body .= create_value(TYPE_VALUE,"STDIN"); $body .= create_value(TYPE_VALUE,$sin); $body = create_value(TYPE_STRUCT,$body); print $sock $body; my $continue = 0; my $loopcount = 0; do { $sock->recv($type,1); $sock->recv($length,4); $type = unpack('C',$type); $length = unpack(PACK_KEY,$length); $response = ''; do { my $chunk_size = $length - length($response); if ($chunk_size > MAX_CHUNK) { $chunk_size = MAX_CHUNK; } my $r; $sock->recv($r,$chunk_size); $response .= $r; } until (length($response) == $length); if ($response eq 'keepalive') { $continue = 1; $loopcount++; } else { $continue = 0; print STDOUT $response; $responded = 1; } } until ($continue == 0); close($sock); if ($responded == 0) { handle_error('Did not receive response from app'); exit; } } sub create_value { my ($type,$value) = @_; my $len = length($value); my $t = pack('C',$type); my $l = pack(PACK_KEY,$len); return $t . $l . $value; } sub create_socket { my $port = $_[0]; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Reuse => 1, Timeout => 2 ); return $sock; } sub launch { my ($port) = @_; if ($is_windows == 1) { my $process; Win32::Process::Create($process, script_directory() . "/" . $app_name,"--port=".$port,0,$process_type,".") || return 0; } else { my @args = ("$app_path","--port=$port"); system(@args) == 0 or return 0; } sleep(1); return 1; } sub pick_port { my $port; my $sock; my $attempts = 0; $port = $_[0]; while ($attempts < 3) { if ($port > 0) { $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 1, Reuse => 1 ); if ($sock) { close($sock); return $port; } $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp' ); if ($sock) { if (test_connection($sock)) { close($sock); return $port; } } $attempts++; } $port = 1025 + int(rand(64510)); } return -1; } sub test_connection { my $sock = $_[0]; if (!$sock) { return 0; } my $ping = create_value(TYPE_VALUE,"1"); print $sock $ping; my $pong; $sock->recv($pong,6); if (length($pong) != 6) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub script_directory { my $dir = abs_path(dirname($0)); return $dir; } sub get_config_file { my $dir = script_directory(); return $dir . "/config.cfg"; } sub load_config { my $file = get_config_file(); my $opened = open(CONFIGFILE,"<$file"); if (!$opened) { handle_error("Cannot read config at path $file: $!"); exit; } my %configdata = (); my $key, my $value; while (my $line = ) { $line = trim($line); ($key,$value) = split("=",$line,2); $key = lc($key); $configdata{$key} = $value; } close(CONFIGFILE); return %configdata; } sub write_config { my %configdata = @_; my $file = get_config_file(); my $opened = open(CONFIGFILE, ">$file"); if (!$opened) { handle_error("Cannot write to config at path $file. $!"); exit; } foreach my $key (sort keys(%configdata)) { my $value = $configdata{$key}; $key = uc($key); print CONFIGFILE "$key=$value\n"; } close(CONFIGFILE); } sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } sub handle_error { my $error = $_[0]; my $stream = $_[1]; if (!$stream) { $stream = *STDOUT; } print $stream "Status: 200 OK\n"; print $stream "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print $stream "$error\n"; } sub shell_escape { $_[0] =~ s/([\s;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"])/\\$1/g; return $_[0]; } sub getEnv { my $param = shift; if($ENV{$param}) { return create_value(TYPE_VALUE,$param) . create_value(TYPE_VALUE,$ENV{$param}); } else { return ""; } } sub lazyLoadModule { my $module_name = $_[0]; my $module_available = 0; my $cmd = 'use ' . $module_name . '; $module_available = 1;'; eval $cmd; return $module_available; }